Water | Air | Soil | Energy
Today we are facing polluted environment, dwindling resources and skyrocketing fossil fuel costs, people awareness of environmental concern growing at an immense rate, to cope with these consciousness, there are increasing number of promotional projects, incentive schemes, policies and regulations taken from both Governmental & Commercial levels across the world. |
In order to maintain and protect the quality of life, we have to reduce resources consumption, energy consumption and pollutant emissions. We also have to disseminate the use of inexhaustible resources such as: Solar, Wind, Sea & Geo for a sustainable future.
What's NEW
Business Opportunities - Cleaner Production Champaign in China MainlandAccording to the statistic data from The Federation of Hong Kong Industries that in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) - South of China, there are 55,200 manufacturing enterprises and 57500 factories of which are owned or jointly owned by Hong Kong enterprises. In order to raise public awareness on environmental protection, The Hong Kong SAR Government granted an incentive scheme namely ‘Pearl River Delta Cleaner production Champaign’.
The Pearl River Delta Cleaner production Champaign is a Five Years Program commencing in April 2008 for promoting cleaner production technologies and practices amongst Hong Kong-owned factories in the PRD region. The Governmental funding is HK$93 million (approx US$12 million).(see More)